Today it was a sad day in my fly fisherman's life. To make it short, I managed to brake the second time this year my 7 wt rod. But let's start with the beginning. A few months ago, while casting some shooting heads on the loan, I heard a strange sound and the tip segment of my rod broke. After some chitchat with a friend, I decided not to order a new tip segment, just to repair it. The rod was working not as good as a new one but I it was OK. During the summer I used it a few times catching some nice fish.
This morning, after I drunk my coffee I decided to go out for some fly fishing. Even a milky drape of fog was covering the river, the first sun rays made it through till on the water surface. I choose an area of the river that I never fished before. The weather was great but no fish rising.
Well, after some hours of fishing without any take, while casting some wet flies I heard the same scary sound like a few months ago while casting on the loan and without to look at the rod I knew it was over. This time it was the second segment. It made a good job during the last years. The last fish caught was a roach about a week ago.